OneMole VPN Setup Guide

Published: 23 Nov, 2018 | Last modified: 8 Jul, 2024


[DNSonly VPN setup]

VPN is a technique to connect clients to private networks. Wikipedia

There're many VPN protocols such as IPsec,IKEv2,OpenVPN,and Cisco AnyConnect etc. This blog will demonstrate how to setup OneMole VPN on Windows 10, MacOS High Sierra, iOS 10, and Android 4.3.

Windows 10

Windows 10 has built-in VPN clients that support PPTP and IKEv2, and SSTP protocols. SSTP is not supported by OneMole VPN though because it is not widely used by people.

Download certificate

You'll need to download and import certificate before you may use OneMole VPN on Windows.

  1. Log in to and click on the Details button next to your server name. Choose IKEv2 and click on Windows to find the link for the user certificate. Download and double-click to install. Choose Local computer to import the certificate. See the following picture as a reference.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on Windows 10 - Step 3

  1. Enter the password of your certificate, which is the same as your OneMole VPN password.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on Windows 10 - Step 4

  1. Allow Windows 10 to choose certificate storage automatically, and finish importing following the guide.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on Windows 10 - Step 5


To use IKEv2 VPN on Windows 10, you need to add a VPN connection first.

  1. Click on the Windows button.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on Windows 10 - Step 1

  1. Key in powershell and right-click Windows PowerShell, click run as administrator.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on Windows 10 - Step 2

  1. Key in Add-VpnConnection -Name "OneMole VPN" -ServerAddress "Your VPN Address" -AuthenticationMethod Eap -EncryptionLevel Maximum -RememberCredential -TunnelType Ikev2 You can find your VPN address at, use the address to replace the Your VPN Address part in the command above. See the following picture as a reference.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on Windows 10 - Step 3

  1. Click the internet icon in the bottom right corner.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on Windows 10 - Step 4

  1. Connect OneMole VPN, enter username, password.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on Windows 10 - Step 5

Cisco AnyConnect

Although Cisco AnyConnect is not pre-installed on Windows platform, it is still one of the best VPN protocol on Windows.

  1. Download AnyConnect client, extract and double-click Setup.exe to install. Choose Core & VPN, and click Install. See the following picture as a reference.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on Windows 10 - Step 1

  1. You may now run AnyConnect client from Windows menu.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on Windows 10 - Step 2

  1. Execute AnyConnect client, enter your OneMole VPN address (you may find it at You can now connect to your VPN.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on Windows 10 - Step 6

iOS 10

There're many built-in VPN clients on iOS 10, including IKEv1 (Cisco IPsec VPN) and IKEv2, and Cisco AnyConnect can be easily installed from App Store.


You may use the built-in IKEv1 client on iOS 10 via Pre-Shared Key (PSK) or your VPN certificate.

The following describes manual setup of VPN connection. However, you may simply download the corresponding configuration profile from, tap on the profile and import to your iOS system directly without manually setting up the connection.

  1. Open Settings and select General.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on iOs 10 - Step 1

  1. Tap VPN and add a VPN connection.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on iOs 10 - Step 2

  1. Tap Type, and choose IPsec. Key in Description, Server, Account, and Password.

    • If you use OneMole VPN Pre-Shared key for login, enter it in Secret, the pre-shared key can be found at

      Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on iOs 10 - Step 3

    • If you use certificate for login, you need to import your VPN certificate first, and then choose Use certificate and select your certificate.

      Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on iOs 10 - Step 3-2

    • You OneMole VPN certificate can be downloaded from Import both the Root certificate and User certificate to your iOS device by simply tapping on your certificate files, and following the instructions from your iOS system. The password for your certificate is the same as your OneMole VPN password.


The following describes manual setup of VPN connection. However, you may simply download the corresponding configuration profile from, tap on the profile and import to your iOS system directly without manually setting up the connection.

Similar to IKEv1, you need to add a VPN connection and choose Type as IKEv2. Enter Description, Server, Username, and Password. You need to enter Remote ID(the same as server address, NOT IP), and choose User Authentication as Username.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on iOs 10 - Step 1

Now you can connect to your OneMole VPN on your iOS devices.

Cisco AnyConnect

You can easily install Cisco AnyConnect from the App Store.

  1. Choose Select Connection.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on iOs 10 - Step 3

  1. Tap on Add VPN Connection.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on iOs 10 - Step 4

  1. Enter Description and Server Address and Save. Choose the VPN connection you just saved.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on iOs 10 - Step 5

  1. Go back to the app Home, tap on the Diagnostics button at the bottom, and then tap on Certificates.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on iOs 10 - Step 1

  1. Tap on User on the top, and then Import User Certificate. Enter your VPN certificate import address in the dialog that pops out. You may find your VPN certificate import address from The password for your VPN certificate is the same as your VPN password.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on iOs 10 - Step 2

  1. Go back to the interface in Step 3, tap on Advanced, and then tap on Certificate - Automatic.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on iOs 10 - Step 6

  1. Choose your certificate and go back and save. Now you can connect to your AnyConnect VPN.

Setup OneMole AnyConnect VPN on iOs 10 - Step 7

Note: You need to de-select the Connect with IPSec option from the Setting page. You need to allow untrusted server if you connect to VPN via IP.

MacOS High Sierra

MacOS High Sierra is very similar to iOS 10 and it has built-in supports for IKEv1 (Cisco IPsec VPN) and IKEv2.


The following describes manual setup of VPN connection. However, you may simply download the corresponding configuration profile from, tap on the profile and import to your MacOS system directly without manually setting up the connection.

  1. Open Network in System Preferences.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 1

  1. Click the plus sign at the left bottom to add a VPN connection.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 2

  1. Choose Interface as VPN, choose VPN Type as IKEv2, Service Name can be anything.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 3

  1. Enter Server Address and Remote ID (same as the server address, NOT IP), click Authentication Settings.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 4

  1. In Authentication Settings, choose Username, and enter your OneMole VPN Username and Password.

Setup OneMole IKEv2 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 5


The following describes manual setup of VPN connection. However, you may simply download the corresponding configuration profile from, tap on the profile and import to your MacOS system directly without manually setting up the connection.

Add a new VPN connection in the same way as IKEv2 VPN.

  1. Select Interface as VPN, choose VPN Type as Cisco IPSec, Service Name can be anything.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 1

  1. Enter your Server Address, Account Name, and Password, click Authentication Settings.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 2

  1. If you want to use OneMole VPN Pre-Shared Key (PSK) to login, enter Shared Secret and you can now connect your VPN, the pre-shared key can be found at

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 3

  1. If you want to login using your VPN certificate, you need to import your VPN certificate first, and then click Certificate, and choose your certificate.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 3-2

  1. Choose your certificate, click Continue to connect to your VPN.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 4

  1. Before you can connect to your IKEv1 VPN using your VPN certificate, you need to import your OneMole VPN certificates. Open Keychain, and select System keychain, and Certificates category. Drag and drop the user certificate downloaded from into the right panel.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 5

  1. Right click the certificate that you just imported, click Get Info.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 6

  1. Change all Trust settings to Always Trust.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 7

  1. Go back to Keychain Access, click on the triangular on the left of the certificate, right-click the private key, and click Get Info.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 8

  1. Click Access Control tab, and click the Allow all applications to access button.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 9

Now you can access your IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra using your certificates.

Cisco AnyConnect

Please download and install AnyConnect Client, and refer to the Windows 10 section to setup your AnyConnect VPN.

You need to import your OneMole VPN certificates. Open Keychain, and select System keychain, and Certificates category. Drag and drop the user certificate downloaded from into the right panel.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 5

Right click the certificate that you just imported, click Get Info.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 6

Change all Trust settings to Always Trust.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 7

Go back to Keychain Access, click on the triangular on the left of the certificate, right-click the private key, and click Get Info.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 8

Click Access Control tab, and click the Allow all applications to access button.

Setup OneMole IKEv1 VPN on MacOS High Sierra - Step 9

Android 4.3


IKEv1 VPN on Android is similar to iOS. You may import your VPN certificate and use IPSec Xauth RSA. Or use IPSec Xauth PSK without certificate.


The following describes manual setup of VPN connection. However, you may simply download the corresponding configuration profile from, tap on the profile and import to your strongSwan APP directly without manually setting up the connection.

You may download strongSwan to use IKEv2 EAP connection. You do not need certificate for IKEv2 VPN.

Fill up Server with your VPN domain or IP.

Fill up Username and Password. Check Select automatically under CA certificate.

Tap on Advanced settings and enter your VPN domain into Server identity, do not enter VPN IP.

Save and start using IKEv2 VPN.


You need to download and install AnyConnect client. Please refer to the iOS section for more details.


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Licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0 except otherwise stated. © 2018